Category Archives: Artificial intelligence

Slashdot Media on LinkedIn: Apple Boosts Spending To Develop Conversational AI Slashdot

Apple boosts spending on creating ChatGPT-like technology While making this choice, it’s essential to consider a balance between the cost of the platform and its alignment with your specific business objectives. Cost-effective solutions like Stratlogy’s AI offering provide a blend of advanced features without overstretching your budget. Conversational AI helps businesses gain valuable insights into […]

Artificial intelligence in video games Wikipedia

Will AI revolutionize or ruin video games? 09 19 2023 These cutting-edge technologies are revolutionizing the design, development, and play of games, leading to a more personalized and entertaining experience. The popularity of podcasts where gamers discuss the future of AI in gaming shows that players are becoming increasingly interested in AI and ML-based games. […]